So you may be asking yourself what does one do when they are 38 weeks,4 days,21 hours and 15 minutes pregnant and waiting for their wonderful son? Well in this family the answer is Get Creative! Check out the various projects Jared and I completed today.
Project #1- Create a new blog background. So by now you have already noticed this project. What do you think? I was pretty proud of myself. Sidenote to Chesley: You inspired me. I love your new background. Because you have had problems in the past with losing your info I was kind of scared to do it. But to my amazement I retained my information. I crossed my fingers and held my breath, literally! Thank you for the inspiration!
Project #2 Make a "Big Sister T-Shirt" for Kate. I promise this will look cuter on her. And maybe I went a little crazy with the ribbon but it pretty much turned out to be a version of what I had created in my mind.
Project #3 Re-cover the bench in our entry way with some vintage golf fabric to add to Carson's room. This idea was a flash of brilliance from Jared. We had this blank wall in Carson's room that was driving the "designers" in us nuts! He thought of using this bench while we were at Hobby Lobby. So (this one's for you Maw) we went to look for some vintage golf fabric. You'll never guess what we found! The exact fabric that Jared's Maw used to make the squares in Carson's quilt. We couldn't believe our luck!
Project #4 Create a golf sign to hang over Carson's doorway. Good grief we had fun with this one. This was a labor of love that Jared and I created together. We kept adding things to it. Jared painted in the fairway, green, and bunker and I did the lettering. We think it turned into one snappy looking sign.:)
All in all a very creative day. I wonder what we'll do tomorrow? By the way Kate helped us out a lot with these projects. She kept us laughing and focused. A side Kate story: Kate is such a good big sister already. We caught her in Carson's room this morning inspecting his car seat. Just making sure that all of the belts and buckles were working properly. I would have had a picture of this but by the time I grabbed my camera she had moved on to her inspection of the rocker. This big sister is thorough!
Vegan Chocolate Mug Cake
2 days ago
Wow Kids!!
What luck to find the same fabric that was in Carson's quilt. The bench look really great and it all matches, even better!!! Ya'll have a great talent. I know Jared gets his from his dad and mom, don't know about you Betsy, maybe the same or maybe just your own, ha. We do truly have a creative family, right?? Love, Maw
ADORABLE!!!! Loved talking to you 3 last night. As the countdown to C-Day begins looks like the nesting-crafting is at full throttle. Isn't if fun how projects can be both beautiful and memorable. You'll always remember this day every time you look at the newly covered bench and door sign. Just want you to know how much we love you all. Love Tress
I love your background! There are so many to choose from. I have messed my blog up several times when I change the background. Since I have a Valentine's theme I will have to change it again soon...scares me!
Glad to see you are hanging in waiting for Carson to get here. I carried longer with Ansley than Garrett and it through me a bit. I can't wait to see him and hear about delivery!
Good Luck!!!
I can't believe all the things your doing! These last few days your suppose to rest! I can't wait to hear the story of Carson's birth! Talk to you soon!
Love Ya!
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