One Month
Two Months
3 Months
Yes, our big boy is 3 months old. When I say big, I mean it. He weighs in at around 14lbs currently. He is very sturdy and loves to show us how he can stand on our laps. He loves to look all around and can lift his head up really well during tummy time.
Here's the ultimate jinx, but I've got to say it...he's maybe a little more laid back than Kate was at this age. I'm not bragging on my kids...oh who am I kidding? They're amazing, of course I'm bragging on them. Kate was very laid back and Carson seems to be following right in her foot steps. He loves to coo and "talk". I love listening to his coos and agoos. So sweet and precious.
The really big news is that he is sleeping all by himself in his big boy bed (crib) at night. Just as I thought, he was more than ready and seems to really like the routine I had set up for Kate at this age. Bath, bottle, bed. I am religious about this and believe this is what set up Kate's good sleeping habits. So I hope it will have the same affect on Carson. He gets up at around 6 every morning so that gives us some good time in the morning to have his bottle and for us to play a little before we have to leave. I even get a few smiles out of him if I try really hard. He is so sweet and cuddly. He loves to cuddle with me especially. We still have that wonderful bond that we started when he was born.I cherish it so much. Happy 3 months sweet boy!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Triple the Months, Triple the Fun
Posted by Betsy@Living in the Moment at 7:55 PM
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God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6
What a big, sweet baby boy. Love him even though I haven't even got to meet him yet. You worked fast on getting him in the crib since we last talked....sounds like a little angel! Good for you!
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