Saturday, September 8, 2012

Time to Make the Donuts

I bought a Woman's Day magazine today and found a recipe for donuts. Kate LOVES donuts. Today at the store we were at the check out line and she said "Mommy I didn't get MY donuts!"( I let her take home that little container of Krisy Kreme donut holes everytime we make a grocery run.) We were at check out and the Krispy Kreme Kiosk was way over on the other side of the store. I said "Ok I will watch you, just go get them." Kate is a safety girl so she was hesitant. I told her it would be ok and she skipped/ran across the store while I watched her, silently calculating the odds in my head of her chances of being kidnapped on the way to get donut holes. Highly unlikely. She spotted them and RAN  across the store back to me waving the donut holes above her head SHOUTING "I got 'em Mommy! I got 'em!" So once we got home and spotted the recipe we were set.

Setting the Mood with my Cinnamon Sugar Donut candle.

Carson is one with the mixer. He has almost figured out how to attach the paddle. It took about....oh....20 minutes for me  to figure it out when I got this mixer. It was quite the sight.

My little cooks. I read this really cool book about how the French raise their kids and one of the things that stuck with me was that French parents bake with their kids every week. Teaching them to measure, pour, stir etc. Well my kids love it. Oui Oui!

45 minutes and two  time outs later (due to an unfortunate flour accident)  we have dough. Which is resting in our fridge overnight. Part deux tomorrow. :)


God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6