So this week end was supposed be jam packed. The first flag football game, a sweet friends birthday party, and the school carnival. BUT Friday night Carso got sick. It's the same thing he gets every year at the same time when the weather fluctuates from 90 to 60 every single day. Poor kid. On Friday and Saturday we were up every 3 hours doing breathing treatments and I was mentally playing out in my head what an ER trip would look like. He was doing that fast scary breathing. I am pretty seasoned in this and have seen him have some rough patches but Friday was particularly bad and I prayed and prayed over him as he struggled to breathe and we waited for the medicine to do its work. So long story short we had a week end of rest and recuperation at home. I love my kids. Guess how many times they asked about their football game? ZERO! They were just so happy to stay at home and play. We tried to go to the carnival but we were there for 30 minutes and I could tell that Carson just didn't feel well even though he made a valiant run through the bounce house maze.:) So we headed home. He was feeling much better on Sunday so we decided to make some Angry Birds cupcakes. The kids helped me out a lot with these. They loved mixing the batter with the electric mixer. They still could not get the knack of cracking the eggs although we sacrificed two for them to try it out:) Carson watched this lady on You Tube. He calls her "my cupcake lady." And he has watched the video of her making the Angry Birds cupcakes so many times that he has the ingredients memorized by heart. When I told him that we were going to use orange DOTS for the beaks he said "No Mommy Rosie uses orange Laffy Taffy." and as we were cutting the "marshyellows" he asked me if I was using my "kitchen scissors"
It was his idea to add the red jelly bean for the tongue on the piggies. :) |
Happy kids:) Does not take much with these 2:) |
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