Friday, February 14, 2014

Kate Kicks It Up!

Today Kate was recognized at a special assembly at her school called Kick It Up! The teacher picks 2 students from her class who deserve special recognition for their hard work and effort. I have seen Kate work so hard at improving her behavior and her writing and reading skills. She was specifically recognized by her teacher for her improved writing and her constant effort to stretch out the sounds when she is reading. I am so proud of this girl. This has not been the easiest year for her but she has had  a complete turn around in the last few weeks. The one thing that has always stayed constant was that she LOVES school and she absolutely ADORES her teacher. This teacher has gone above and beyond working with Kate before school and working with me and Kate to create a game plan so that Kate can do her very best and shine. I am forever grateful to her teacher for how much she has invested in Kate and how much she loves her.

Kate receiving her award from the principal. The lady to the left is her teacher. A true blessing in our lives.

Ms. H giving Kate her sticker. It was pajama day at school;)

Signing the kick it up ball:)

Love this one. She is clapping for another class mate that got recognized.

The kindergarten Kick It Up kids:)


God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6