Monday, March 17, 2014

Doing Homework with Benjy... I mean Kate

Back in high school my brother Benjy and I took a psychology class together. Big mistake. I was a serious student and he was.....not. We would get together to study for the tests and then I would have to study by myself to actually study. Although I remember having a lot of fun at these "study" sessions,  (Guns N Roses sing along anyone? ) they were mainly an exercise in MY frustration. Kate shares a lot of the same study habits as her Uncle and getting her to concentrate sometimes is trying to say the least. Here is one of our homework sessions photographed by Carso. 

Oh doing homework with Kate. What can I say??? 

I have flashbacks of when I would study with my brother for psychology tests in high school. It is an exercise in frsutration. So much silliness and non stop movement.

Silliness. That's a bow tie pasta on her mouth.

I promise I am kissing her. See? She's smiling.

Oh but I love her so much:)

Carsie photo bombed us!

The frustration Mom! Here she was telling me that "capitalizing letters makes me cry!"

She tries so hard....sometimes.

God bless Ms. H!

I mean she is my own flesh and blood and I get frustrated. I can't imagine this times 20! I love teachers! True heroes for sure.

Love this one. She knows I am just about done.

A picture with the photog:)

This is REAL Life!


God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6