Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Me and my most favorite girl in the whole wide world

She is watching her brother play with his new truck.

I love taking close ups of my kids.

He is talking to me in this picture. I love his many facial expressions when he talks. So lucky to capture one here:)

And here:) This is a very common one

Checking out his chocolate face reflection

The good thing about being a boy and eating a chocolate popsicle is that there is always more on your face for later:)

Yep....that sure was a good popsicle. Yessiree it was.

I tried to take a picture of Kate with chocolate all over face but she is more self conscious about it than Carson and tries to wipe it off really quick. But today I caught he with the tiniest smudge still on her nose.

Like I said...not self conscious at all. :)

Her awesome new swimsuit.
I love this picture. She is fake sleeping...but still. See those 2 freckles on her hand? We call them Margaret and Emily. :)

Our new love seat has become a favorite relaxing place for Kate.


This is genuine laughter from Carson. He was cracking himself up. Apparently Kate was not amused.

The kids found another use for our new hammock...a tent!


Stacey at Giggles and Glue Sticks said...

1. I love the hammock.
2. I love Carson's big laughing face in pic towards end of post. Well, I love all of his faces. So stinkin' funny!
3. I am starting to see little bits of you in Kate!!! Love it.
4. Margaret and Emily. Laughed so hard. :o)

Miss you so much. And a day...I'm in!

God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6