Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This and That

I'm trying to make a bargain with God to slow this time down. I do NOT want this girl to grow up anymore. So far she just keeps growing.

Where do they see these big girl poses? I've never posed this way. Must be inherently girl. :)

Carso brought this to me the other day telling me that he drew a picture of me. I've always wanted curly hair. :) At least he drew me smiling.

I have a secret. I became a Vegan/started to eat Vegan about 5 weeks ago. It was an adjustment to say the least. Vegan means that you do not eat meat (not a huge deal), eggs (really not a big deal) or milk products (No CHEESE???? Now that's a big deal. But I have survived the initial stages and feel so good. SO good. Yes I have lost weight (about 10 lbs) but here's what it really did for me: it steered me away from my horrible sugar addiction and processed foods. I'm not going to get on a high horse about it because I know that it's not for everyone but I really enjoy the way I feel and how much it helps my running/exercising. So this is a typical meal for me now Spinach, corn, black beans,sun dried tomatos, red bell peppers, raisins, and hummus.

We have found the magic of window markers. After a big lecture on only writing on the windows and not the wood around it Kate and Carson had a field day.

More Soccer!

We have lived in our house for 7 years and have seen some pretty fierce storm, but this baby storm blew in the other night and blew our fence down.

Fierce goalie stance

The face off


I have no idea WHY I invested in a good set of patio furniture last year but I am SO glad I did. It survived the icy winter like a champ and is ready to go for the spring/summer.

Do you see that little guy hanging on the door. I stepped out the front door to get something and turned around and saw this guy and I almost jumped out of skin. He looks so REAL! And he was just looking at me. I decided to test it out on Kate and she had the same reaction...and SHE was the one that put him there!

There are more electronics going on at our house than I would like so when I see the kids actually using their imaginations and playing with their billion toys I praise them all day long. I caught Kate with this set up the other day..3D glasses and all:)


God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6