To our few loyal readers, we are back! I can only blame sheer exhaustion for my lack of posts. I favored sleep over blogging. It's the kind of exhaustion where the laundry has been done but we are living out of a laundry basket and I refuse to put up the clothes. Maybe by the time I get around to it there will only be 2 things to put away. Ah, real life. Don't you just love it? Jared started a new job a week ago. He is officially a rough neck on a gas rig. And yes it's hard work. He works 12 hours a day for 7 days and then is rewarded with 7 days off. Pretty good set up and he really likes it so far. He works with a good crew that is above all safe. Very important. God has really poured blessings on our little family. Other big news: Jared turned 30! What? I met him when he was just 23 years old. God has done wonderful things in and through this wonderful man in my life. Never in all of my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have this kind of amazing husband. God has blessed me far beyond what my little mind could fathom. Our Kate continues to grow and grow. Sitting up by herself. Laughing and squealing and screeching. She sleeps in just like a teenager on the week ends. Thank you Lord! Sometimes Jared and I get up on the week ends and just wait for her to wake up. It's pretty cool and we are hoping she will give baby #2 the heads up on this wonderful habit of hers.In fact, we wouldn't mind if baby #2 was like Kate in every way. She is a wonderful little girl. Speaking of baby #2 a week from Wednesday we will more clearly define this new little one in our lives. In true Gowens fashion once we find out if the baby is a boy or girl we will be full steam ahead in preparations and plans. We are loving life right now. Here are a few pictures just in case you are interested.
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
4 hours ago
Such big eyes. Beautiful! Babies grow so fast. I'm glad you are getting some rest. Laundry's not so important, is it? :)
So glad to hear things are going well.
To Jared: Happy Belated Birthday!!!
I completely understand about sleep taking over. I applaud the fact that your laundry ends up in a basket, ours just sits in the dryer until another load kicks it out and I'm forced to fold it or hang it!!!
Kate is growing so fast, I can't believe her hair! It looks near blonde in many of the pictures. Hope to see you guys soon. We'll be waiting to exchange baby info on Sept.3, I've got my first prenatal check the same day!
We love you, God Bless,
The Gowens' Trio
As always, I love the new pics of you three. The phone visit I got got on Jared's BD with him and Kate was priceless!! Kate just talked and talked and drowned me and Jared out. It was too cute. She is sooooo beautiful. Jared told me about his new job, congrats and way to go on more salary. I love ya'll, Maw
As always - I LOVE to see more pics! Just the next best thing to being there.
Just a little plug to see some belly pics of you with new baby!
Hope you are feeling well. And about the laundry - ha! You have finally joined the world with the rest of us! Before you know it you'll have little "helpful" hands to unfold all your work anyway. Pierce is pulling all of my dirty clothes out of the basket as we speak!
Love & miss you terribly,
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