So Wednesday is the day. Jared and I are very excited mostly due to the fact that we really don't KNOW if it is a boy or girl. We just KNEW Kate was a girl so it seemed like a very happy confirmation the day we went in and not necessarily a surprise. This one will be a total surprise either way. I am a list person so I have compiled a list in my head for both a boy and a girl. Hopefully if our dear one cooperates on Wednesday we will know. Although this is usually thought of as the sonogram to find out the sex it is also a very important sonogram to make sure all of the organs are in the right place and that the baby is growing in the right way. We would appreciate prayers of protection for our new one. Thank you!
Why I Think We are Having a Boy
1. I am told this means nothing but my pregnancy with this one has been very different than with Kate. I am a lot hungrier and a lot more tired. For example, I was out with my Mom last Sunday and we were looking for a place to eat lunch and I was starving. She was taking a little too long to decide where to eat and I said to her, " Mom would you just pick a place? I am starving!" I could have thrown a please in there to make myself sound better, but I am giving you the unvarnished truth! I had a relatively normal appetite with Kate so this immediate hunger thing is new to me.
2. I have some bedding for a boy I already bought. When I first learned I was pregnant I had a very strong feeling that this is a boy. I went out and bought some very boy bedding. I have a very safe receipt in case of return so I wasn't really that far out on a limb.
3. Jared needs a golfing/watching Tech games/watching Rangers games/watching Bengals games/watching ESPN buddy. My husband is all Man.I have never seen a guy so into sports and I grew up with 3 brothers! I think it would be very precious (very macho word) for him to have a son to experience these things with.I can just see them heading out to play golf on a Saturday morning leaving Kate and I to do "girl" things. Kate will do all of these things with her Daddy I'm sure (she is a big Daddy's girl already)but a bond between a Daddy and son is so special.
Why I Think We Are Having a Girl
1. I had a dream we had a girl. Right after we found out I was pregnant and right when I was having the feeling we were having a boy I dreamed we had a girl. I never dreamt baby things when I was pregnant with Kate. Of course I also dreamt that Tiger Woods proposed to me but that's another story for another day. Just so you know how I turned him down declaring proudly my love for my husband.
2. The name that we have picked for a girl goes perfectly with Kate.
3. Sisters would be so awesome. Especially that close in age. My head is just swimming with possibilities that come with being sisters.
Bottom line we will be overjoyed and thanking God on Wednesday for a healthy baby no matter if it is a boy or girl. We just feel so blessed that God has chosen US to be parents for a second time. It is truly humbling. Until Wednesday.........
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
I know I have said this a million times, but I am just so happy for you. There is nothing like having one precious baby, but when you throw another one (or more) into the mix there are so many added dynamics that make family life so much fun. There is more than just your adoration for your little one as parents, but, then also on a new level, the whole sibling relationship. This new boy or girl will also make you love and appreciate Kate in a whole new way as she becomes a big sister. (no worries, your love for Kate will not suffer! nor will your new one - God is amazing!)
Can't wait to hear the news. Qucikly!
Love, Care
Can't wait to hear!!
Hey you guys,
Will be waiting to hear the news that the baby is growing just right and IF we find out boy or girl that will be ab added bonus, right? Kate will make a great "little" mommy when the baby gets here. She will have her own real live doll.
Love, Maw
I must say that I love getting on your Blog and just enjoying your entries! I often wonder if you and I were sisters in our past lives. . .it seems as though we think so much alike that it's odd and amazes me at the same time.
My facination and love of pregnancy has always seemed to shock most but with you I feel like we are on even grounds. There are often times when I feel like words/expressions that are so hard for me to put together myself are "blogged" out for me!
Anyway, I hope you are doing well and feeling well. I am excited to hear about your doc appointment, I know that you and Jared are anxious too! Much love and blessings sent to you!!!
God Bless,
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