Before she went to bed Kate had this to say....
By the way, this is what Big Sister really wanted to do with the sign
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
10 hours ago
Before she went to bed Kate had this to say....
By the way, this is what Big Sister really wanted to do with the sign
Posted by Betsy@Living in the Moment at 7:32 PM
Yeah!!! Congrats on the Baby Boy/Brother, I take it that everything else is going well!
You definately had that Motherly Instict Betsy, keep the baby boy bedding!!!
We love you guys! God Bless,
The Gowens' Family Trio
Wow! How fun!!! One of each, I wouldn't know what that was like:)It looks like you get to keep the bedding after all! Congratulations guys! Cool news!
I don't get it....does this mean you are having a BOY?!?!?!? :)
Very cute. I still have the sign Reece used to hold up to the world announcing "I am gonna be a big brother"
So very happy for you. Can't beat a boy...your life will be full of sweetness, cuddles and lots of fun! What a blessing.
Not sure why my email didn't go through to you last night. I had written out a prayer in anticipation of the big news... but - God heard it even if the internet didn't pass it on to you.
Happy for all of you! Kate & Carson (is that how you will spell it?!?!) Very cute.
I love you,
That is wonderful! I am excited you will have one of each! I hope you are feeling well and I can't wait to see your new sweet boy.
I am also glad you get to use the boy bedding you bought! :)
Oh wow! Congratulations you guys! So the baby boy bedding gets to stay. Are y'all still going to do a little golfer room for the new addition - I knew that was the plan if you had a boy last go round. So glad you are feeling well, except being tired, but that's to be expected with a little one around too.
Love you all,
Meredith and Michael
Hey you guys
What wonderful news yesterday!!Thanks so much for calling me right away. God's blessing are great, as always!! You will need to clue me in on a "theme" now so I can start another quilt for little Carson. Love ya, Maw
Yay for you!! Congratulations!
Hey, Congrats to all of you...boys are really SPECIAL!! Glad Jared will have his own "little buddy" to hang out with...
This is the most proud Uncle in the whole wide world.....Also, me and Kate are really bonding....The other night when ya'll went to the baseball game, I fed her, rocked her, and her Uncle's heart melted...Wow....I love that little C.J. is coming too....I will spoil him too. But I will tell you that I have a favorite niece!!! Love you, Bets, Jared, Kate and soon, C.J. Uncle Blair and Jay
How exciting! Boys are sooo much fun!!! Jared is going to love having someone to do "guy stuff" with. Betsy, you're also in for quite a treat because there's really nothing like the love a boy has for his mama. Congratulations!
So, you were right!! Congrats guys! We can't wait to see that sweet boy!
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