The title "catching up" could mean many things. I know what it means to me. Catching up on some much needed sleep. The schedule that I am keeping during the week is taking its toll on my body and so all I want to do is crash on the week end.I know what people mean when they talk about extreme exhaustion. I have really battled this with this pregnancy and have not received a reprieve during the supposedly wonderful second trimester. Jared takes on more responsibilities for Kate so that I can accomplish this. Then as Monday rolls around it starts all over again. An endless cycle. But I try to remember that this is just one season of our lives.We are trying to set some plans in motion for the future of our family. I believe God is directing these plans and causing things to happen in his timing. So, although I can't be specific right now I ask that you please pray for our future family plans.
And now catching up on some news. I wanted to elaborate more on the day we found out that we were adding a boy to our family. It was a very special day not only because of the circumstances but also because of the people that were able to be there. My Mom, my brother Burke, Jared's Mom and of course Kate were in the room with us when we found out. Jared and I both saw the tell tale boy part at the same time. And we both said something like, "oh! or uh oh!" And the Dr. said, "Did you just see what I saw?" and we said. "We think so!" And he said, "Yeah I'm 99% sure that this is a brother." I remember throwing my arms up in the air and I remember the look of surprise on Jared's face as I kissed him. He was 99% sure we were having a girl so he was truly shocked! Everything else looked great and our boy is measuring exactly on schedule with a due date set for February 3rd (my brother Brig's birthday). Although our Dr. said due to Kate's early arrival we would probably not be having a February baby. It will be more like late January. Perfect, so I can maybe get a little bit of healing in before Kate's first birthday. We are thrilled about our boy and already have many preparations going for his room. We are doing a golf theme and are constantly thinking of new ideas to add.
Miss Kate is growing right before our eyes. Such a big girl! She can sit up all by herself and play with her toys. Reaching for them and holding them up in the air above her head. My Mom gave her her first Dolly which she loves to grab by the pig tails and bang around from side to side. She's very tough on her Dolly. She loves for us to build a tower with blocks and she loves it even more when she can knock it down. Sometimes she knocks it down with her Dolly! Again, poor Dolly! She is eating more solid food and really likes apples, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes, and chicken. Not a real big fan of green beans. Love the faces we get. Kind of like blech!Yucky! Very descriptive. Her hair is getting lighter and her eyes are staying very blue. If we put her in a neutral outfit or a blue outfit we still get "What a beautiful little boy!" I've come to expect this. Babies look very gender neutral and although we know and believe that she looks like a girl we can't blame people if they don't have any clues either way. Although I can't overlook the lady in the bank who commented on her being a boy the other day. She was a wearing a pink flowered onesie! Are we that progressive in society where we have started dressing our boys in pink flowered onesies? I never step out on that limb unless the baby is wearing a big bow in her hair and even then I make sure I have gathered all of my clues.
Ok, that's all for now. Be on the look out for a special post for Kate. She will be 7 months tomorrow.And baby boy and I will be 19 weeks tomorrow. The time is blazing by!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
13 hours ago
Hi you guys,
Thanks for the update on everything.Hope you got some rest this weekend Betsy. You are proably tire feeling mote than with Kate simply because you had not just had a baby 3 months ago when you got pregnant.How is Jared's job going?? Will look forward to Kate's 7 month pics.
Love, Maw
As my doctor explained the exhaustion part to me it did make more sense. When I was pregnant with Brock I was tired but I could lay down for a nap and it would be better but with this one, NO such luck. Our bodies are having to work harder and in return we just can't seem to get enough sleep. I know what you mean "playing catch up" on the weekends and once Monday rolls around it's starts the cycle over again.
We will be praying for you and your expanding family. I hope things are going ok with Jared's new job, we know that it's tough going through so many changes in life especially as your body is making changes for a new baby. Sometimes it's tough knowing that we really don't have control over our lives, just know that He has a plan for the four of you.
We love you!!!
God Bless,
The Gowens' Family Trio
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