My mom says that when my brothers and I were little and we had a cold my Dad would call from work during the day and ask, "How is my little Chuggy Huggy?" He called us chuggy from the sound the congestion made when we would breathe.
Well friends, we have had a little chuggy huggy on our hands this week. On Tuesday our little girl who has slept through the night every night since she was 8 weeks old woke up in the middle of the night crying. I went into her room and immediately heard it. She was definitely chuggy. Her first real cold!! She had trouble sleeping that night. A lot of trouble! :( The only way she could get comfortable was if I would hold her upright on my shoulder. It came on so fast! She was fine before she went to bed. Doctor said it was just a cold, thank goodness. What I didn't realize was how little you can do for babies that have a cold. The saline drops and bulb syringe are ok but nothing offers complete relief except for time. There are so many times this week where I wish she could blow her nose. She would feel so much better! Even as I write this she is smiling at me but still chugging away a little bit. Although I think she has turned the corner. Chuggy Huggy sounds cute, but it is definitely NOT fun!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
13 hours ago
Miss. Kate,
I'm so sorry that you've got a cold, they're never any fun. At least your Mommy can remnisce her childhood and pass on a family tradition!!!
You are a beautiful little girl who is lucky to be surrounded with family that love you so. Even though we don't live too close, our love grows for you all the time. Brock loves getting on the blog because your pictures make him smile! I've decided that you do have alot of Gowens' in you because in some of your looks I see alot of Brock!
You let Mommy and Daddy spoil you as you get over that cold (like they really need any excuse to spoil you)! We love you so much sweet girl.
God Bless you and Keep you,
The Gowens' Family Trio
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