This will be a big day for our little family as this is the day we will find out if Kate will have a little brother or a little sister. We are so excited to find out about this little one. We had a Dr's appointment yesterday and listened to the baby's heartbeat and it was strong and so good to hear. Kate was with us and even though she will not remember it we will tell her that she was there to witness it with us. So...........the big question for all of you is WHAT DO YOU THINK WE ARE HAVING?????????
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
Hey You,
I can tell you what you are having, another sweet, wonderful blessed and healthy baby from God.
I am excited too!!! Maw
I'm glad that you think of these things too! I think it's wonderful that you and Jared wanted to include Kate for this special event. September 3rd IS going to be a big day, besides getting to learn the sex of the new baby I'll go to my first doc. visit since learning our good news!!!
We are so excited for you guys, and I'm excited that we'll be going through this together!!!
Take care and God Bless!!!
My gut says girl. :) Who knows, though! Either way, won't it be fun!!! We need to chat soon!
It's a boy!!! Brendan needs more friends. Hope all is going well
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