Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

So ever since I began my Halloween decorating way back at the beginning of September my kids have been dead set on their choices of Halloween costumes. They both said they wanted to repeat their costumes from last year. Captain America and Super Girl. Heck I even did a post yesterday stating that very fact. Well wouldn't you know it? 15 minutes before we headed out the door Kate said she wanted to be a princess. Possibly inspired by our make up session. (See below post) and Carson said he wanted to be Spiderman. All I can say is thank goodness for dress up boxes and thank goodness for sewing machines as I had to mend a couple of tears in Carson's spidey suit. A couple of quick changes and we were out the door. The kids walked 3 whole blocks this year, carefully looking for the switched on porch light as their universal signal that it was a-ok to knock on their door. (Apparently Carson thinks that knocking on the door SEVERAL times makes the neighbors come to their door faster. Sorry neighbors!) After the 3 blocks Carso said "We shoulda brought the car!" Also our Mcds buckets were overflowing with candy so we headed back home. The kids really enjoyed passing out candy this year and I left it all up to them. Kate put Carso in charge of opening the door and Kate was the official candy passer outer. It was hilarious to watch. One minute Kate would be calmly sitting on the couch, thumb in mouth with her blanket tucked neatly around her. Then she would hear the knock at the door, throw the covers off, and run to the door like it was her job. SO cute. I think they may have loved that part just as much as getting the candy.

Our first customers. Neighbors from across the street:)

Ready and waiting. After the neighbors left we didn't get anybody for awhile which caused Carson to stand out at the end of our driveway and shout "We got candy here! Does anybody want any candy?!!?!? We got what you want!!!" Oh dear. Not shy at all.

We had to practice several times.

She's not acting. She's really that excited just to practice.

Our pumpkin scene.

The last minute princess

Spidey and the Princess

Let's do this!

One house was very clever. They had a bean bag toss and which ever number you hit that's how many pieces of candy you got.

This was their carved pumpkin. Unbelievable.

Back at home. Working the door.:)

Happy Halloween!


God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6