Well today was the big day for Baby #2. I had my first Dr's visit. Jared and I walked into the office with an enormous amount of deja vu. Hadn't we just done this? The mystery about becoming pregnant so soon after you have a baby is that you're not quite sure about the dates of anything. With Kate I could tell you exact dates of everything. I knew when I was 3 weeks pregnant. With Baby #2 I was totally in the dark. I could be right at the beginning or a little bit down the road. It turns out I am 10 weeks pregnant which puts the baby's due date at February 2nd. About 1 week before Kate's first Birthday! To me that is amazing! As we sat there in the room waiting for the image of our second baby to come on the screen I was overwhelmed with emotion. This baby is 2 weeks older than our first sonogram picture of Kate and the difference is amazing. We saw the baby's arms and legs waving around. I was in awe. How are we this blessed? I just thank God for his wonderful plan for our family.I love to see that wonderful flicker of the heart. Such a miracle, that tiny little heart already hard at work. Everything looks good so far. Blessings abound! Thank you God!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
13 hours ago
WOW, 10 weeks!!! I had to check just one more time tonight, yes this is my second time on today!
We are so very excited for your family, a new baby is always such a blessing. I'm glad that you now have a date I can only imagine how you felt not really knowing, with Brock they changed my due date with each sonogram and it was rather irritating!
We love you so much and we pray that God will continue to pour his blessings upon your family. This is such a precious time in your life, don't let anyone take that from you.
God Bless,
AMAZING! I checked yesterday but you hadn't updated yet so I checked first thing this morning. Ten weeks! That is crazy! You have almost made it through the dreaded first trimester! We are so happy for you guys. Any guesses on the gender??
Congrats!! I was glad to hear that you and baby are doing well. Can't wait to know if baby boy or baby girl is in the making!! haha
Love ya'll and take care..
Hi you three and 1/3
I am so excited for ya'll!!Kate will get a real baby doll for her first birthday. How sweet is that?
I am amazed at the sonagrams now days. Love you, Maw
I'm thrilled and, you know what? this baby is just as photogenic as Miss Kate!
Irish twins!! I am so happy you guys are thrilled. Love the pictures!
I was so excited to read this! How cool! You'll have so much fun with the two of them!!! What a blessing! Can't wait to find out this one's sex!
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