****Warning: The following post is a Mom post. I call it a baby book post. It is filled with details about Kate and her life. There are pictures at the bottom so if you want to skip to the pictures we won't be offended.:) ****
Our Girl Kate is five months old and there has been a lot going on in our baby world. Kate is a very happy, quiet and content little girl. She likes to give hugs already. When you pick her up she will wrap her arms around your neck in a tight squeeze. She has a very strange way of eating but we think it is beyond cute. She will wrap both of her arms around the top of the bottle. It is a funny sight to see. Maybe she thinks someone will take it from her? She laughs and smiles, but not gratuitously. She LOVES her Daddy. He can always bring about a laugh or smile. Sometimes I call him over just so I can hear her laugh.The other day I was sitting next to Jared on the couch holding her and he was watching TV. She would stare at him until he would look over. When he would, well you've never seen a bigger grin on a baby! When she laughs she squeals. LOVE that sound! I think it's the best sound in the whole world. She thinks it hilarious when you scare her. I will fake like I'm sleeping and wake up suddenly. She thinks it is so funny. I love watching her through one partially closed eye when I am fake sleeping. The look of anticipation on her face is priceless. She is a good sleeper and usually goes to bed around 8:30 or 9 and gets up between 6:30 and 7. She is an excellent napper and will sometimes take whopper naps close to 3 hours! She hasn't rolled over to either side lately but she will make it to her side. It seems like her little chubby leg is what is holding her back. If she could just swing that leg over she would be home free. She prefers to scoot on her back. When we lay her on her back she will put her feet underneath her and scoot back. We really have to watch as she can go back really far in one scoot. She loves her rice cereal now. We had a few yucky faces at first but now she devours it. She makes this sounds like a hum. It almost as if she is saying, "MMMMMmmmmm mmmmmmm Mom this stuff is awesome. Load up that spoon!" Jared and I were laughing last night because I was feeding her and she was almost putting her face in the bowl between bites! She couldn't get enough of it. It used to be that Kate could fall alseep in her car seat or on shoulders but now it seems that when naptime or bed time calls only her crib will do. She wakes up in the morning and just talks to herself until we come get her. It is very sweet to hear her cooing and talking over the baby monitor. Usually she has scooted herself into the corner of the crib. When she sees us for the first time she breaks into a huge grin as if to say , "They you are! Good Morning!" She loves to be sung to and has a special Kate song that Jared created for her. "I love Kate yes I do! I love Kate like a pickle in my shoe!" She loves this song and will look up from wherever she is to find us. She can sit by herself for a few brief seconds but we really have to watch her as she can throw herself back really quick. She likes the book The Hungry Caterpillar. And she loves this bear my Dad gave her. She loves to give it hugs.She loves to take walks in the jogging stroller. She sits back and will usually fall alseep before we get home. Her eyes are still very bright blue and her hair is a lot lighter (although I hate to admit there is a lot less of it but we are confident it will grow back soon!) . That's all the Kate news for now. Stay tuned for breaking news!
Kate at batting practice. She really gives those hanging toys a run for their money!
Her feet touch the floor now (well her toes at least). She can press the buttons to make the music and lights go!
Kate and Hudson at 5 Months. I love seeing pictures of these 2 together. I just think about this time last year and how much their 2 Mommies loved these 2 sweet babies growing inside of them already.
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
13 hours ago
Wow - she is so adorable! I too love those morning or after nap moments. They have always been precious - a welcoming happy smile after a good rest and even some post-sleeping quiet play in the crib. Ahhh, good times. Her hair does look lighter and a little less...but so cute with her little pink bow! Love it!
Oh ya - and forgot to comment on how you have inherited the Brednich gene for scaring others! Poor little girl - although I guess if she enjoys it, why not! Enough practice will give uncle Benjy a run for his money!
Hi Gowens
Thank you so much for the new pics and all the things you shared about Kate. Makes me feel like I am there with you (which would be great)Kate's hair does look lighter so she maybe a blonde like her mom after all. She is just so sweet. Please give her an extra hug and kiss from me. Love, Maw
Those two kiddos look so big! I love the last picture - it looks like Hudson is saying "Ta-duh!"
I love the "Mom Post" and I must say, NEVER appologize for doing them!!!
I really wish we lived closer and didn't have to see everything through pictures. I think the two of us have alot in common, and I know that James and Jared do too!
Hope you are feeling well, I am so happy for the three of you. You and Jared are wonderful parents and I'm sure Miss Kate will be an excellent big sister!
We love you, God Bless!
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