This week brought some firsts for Kate. One first was great and the other not so great. The great first was her first dip in the pool. As with all of Kate's other firsts so far she took this one in stride. As you will see in the video it's hard to tell what she really thought about it . She definitely didn't freak out and scream but she wasn't happy go lucky splashing either.I think she was just trying to take it all in. She seemed pretty content if not a little confused. Imagine what it must look like to a baby. The only water she's really been in has been her little blue tub and now she is in this enormous "tub" and her Daddy is holding her in his arms. The other first was a real bummer. Her first cold! It's amazing to me how hard I took it. You have this perfectly healthy baby for nearly six months and then suddenly her nose is running and she sounds congested. It just doesn't seem right. She never ran a fever and it didn't disrupt her sleeping or eating at all. Except for the runny nose and the congestion you would have never known. And lo and behold wouldn't you know a couple of days later I came down with a cold. A mother/daughter cold, how sweet! :( I carried around two kleenexes, hers and little hers. I don't think this is what Laura Ashley was thinking of when she started making matching mother daughter dresses. I told Jared at one point this week that I felt like maybe we were passing the cold back and forth and he told me,"Well when you're holding her try not to kiss her." I looked at him like he was crazy! I said, "That's like telling me not to breathe! I mean have you seen those cheeks? They were made for kissing!" I will leave you with some videos and pictures. One video is of Kate eating her rice cereal. We tried to capture her little sounds and her eagerness.The second is of her swimming experience. The third is a video of her in her little bouncy chair. #2, as we've taken to calling the baby is doing just great.I will be 13weeks tomorrow. Jared and I rented a fetal heart monitor so we have already heard the heartbeat. Coupled with Kate's cackle laughter these are two of the best sounds in my life right now. I will try to get the sound on here so that you all can hear it. Enjoy the Kate theater!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
14 hours ago
What wonderful videos. It was so sweet to get to hear Kate's voice. She is such a beautiful and smart little girl. Also, to get to hear the new one's heart beat. I had never heard that before. Amazing what is available today. I love you guys and think of you daily.
Love, Maw
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