Sunday, July 29, 2007

Our Beautiful Baby's First Picture!!!

When I first found out I was pregnant I came across this verse and it has meant so much to me. I Samuel 1:27-28 "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life will be given over to the Lord." Every morning I pray for this child. I pray that it will be healthy and keep growing. But mostly I pray that he/she will grow to love the Lord and know that they can always call on Him through prayer.

Caden Monster and Toby Britches

Jared and I are very blessed to have 7 Nephews!!!! 3 live in Mexico City, 2 live in Austin, TX and we are lucky enough to have 2 live right here in Fort Worth with us. Toby joined the family at the end of March and Caden was born in September of 2003. As you can imagine we have had a lot of fun getting to know both of them. Caden is very special to us and is a constant source of laughter and smiles for his Uncle Jared and Bopsy (as he calls me, although now that he's getting older he says Betsy and I kind of miss the days when Bopsy was the name of choice.) Yesterday we got to spend some really good quality time playing with Caden. We made rings, head bands, and eyeglasses out of play dough! (Who would've thought you could have so much fun with Play dough?) Caden makes me genuinely laugh. We couldn't stop laughing when we realized that the eye glasses looked more like a super hero mask. He made some head gear for me that he said made me look pretty and like an alien and was quite pleased with his creation.Toby Britches (so named by his brother when he was just 4 months in his Mom's womb) is at the stage where he just laughs and smiles. I held him yesterday and tried to get him to smile which he did quite frequently. I would lift him up and down, move him in and out...... and then I heard this big burp come from him. I thought oh that must have felt good! No sooner did I think that when (every parent knows what I'm about to say here) projectile spit up all over him and me! Well that comes with the territory! I'm the first to admit I have a lot to learn about babies. But won't I have a fun time learning? I'm just glad it won't be on video!I really thank God for having 2 nephews that live so close to us. They are precious sweet boys and Jared and I just love them to pieces! I just want to tell our future child "Whoa baby! Are you gonna have fun!"

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Daddies thoughts

I am so excited to be able to enjoy a wonderful creation of ours! Betsy and I have dreamed on this moment for a few years now and cant wait to bring Little Kate or Blaine into this world. Besides my love for God and my wife, nothing stands above my love for this child. I cant wait to hold, kiss, bath, and comfort my child. The day we found out that Betsy was pregnant changed my thoughts from not just a husband, but to a father as well. I feel blessed that we will have a child that can bless our lifes as well. I know everyone wants a girl, but a boy wouldn't be bad either. JJ, JB, Blaine, Jr., whatever anyone wants to call him if it is him I don't care. Time will fly by and our little one will be here shortly and we all can enjoy him/her together. Take care and love Jared Sr.! :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Let's go back

As of yesterday I am 10 weeks pregnant. I thought I would record some of the special moments that have already happened in the past 7 weeks since we found out. We found out that we were going to be parents June 14, 2007. I took a pregnancy test immediately when I got out of bed. Jared was downstairs having his daily meditation which consists of drinking coffee and watching ESPN. I ran downstairs and said to him with the test behind my back, "Well, it looks like by this time next year you'll be celebrating father's day." He had this puzzled expression on his face. And then his eyes got big and this huge smile came across his face. He said "Are you kidding?" And I said through tears "No, I'm serious." He jumped up picked me up and hugged and kissed me. By lunch time he was calling me to tell me he had looked up the due date on a baby website. And so we launched into baby world. We are finding out new things everyday about pregnancy. I want to know everything which my Mom thinks is hilarious because she said she went into it blind and girls today have so much information.
Well as luck would have it my whole family except my Mom was coming for Father's day week end. I got the privilige of telling each one of my brothers, sister in laws, nephews (except for Tabor), step Mom and Dad in person. That was so special since we are scattered all over the United States and rarely get together.
Telling my Mom was extremely special. I only wish I could have told her in person. I called her on my way home from work and asked her what she was doing in February. She had no clue and said that she thought the Senate would be very busy and started to go into their schedule. When she finished she asked me why? I said"I thought you might want to be there when your grandchild is born." The next 5 minutes consisted of screaming!

My sister in law Carolyn's reaction was great. When I told her she leapt off the couch and put her baby down and hugged me all in one motion.

The whole week end my brothers' running joke was everytime they asked for a plastic cup and I said "Don't have one." Or "hey Bets do you have juice" "Nope!" Well....."things are going to change around here!"

Welcome to my Blog!

What a corny first title! But I can't come up with anything more clever. As many of you know who will read this blog Jared and I found out that we are expecting a baby to be born sometime around February 19th, 2008. We are so very excited. I thought this would be a fun way to record my thoughts, feelings, milestones and other adventures that come with our life at this time. Hopefully, Jared will also share his thoughts. I hope that one day our child can come to this blog and see what his/her parents were thinking and feeling as we eagerly anticipated the birth.

God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6