I am going into battle friends. Going into battle to regain my body, my health, and my fitness. This won't be easy. No, it certainly won't be easy. But the time has come. I suppose I could tell you that I will jump on a treadmill for 30 minutes when I get a chance. I could also tell you that I will watch my diet. BUT...I know exactly where I will end up with that plan. Still 30 lbs overweight and in the worst shape of my life. So I need a plan. I need supreme motivation. I need a goal to work for. I need to tell someone so that I know I will have accountability. I thought what could be more perfect than my blog in declaring my goals? It's public (to the people who actually read my blog)and it will get me motivated. So here's the plan. It's ambitious but doable in my mind. A 10k in September (September 19th to be exact. I've already signed up for it!Check out the website, wanna join me? http://www.tourdesfleurs.com/ , a sprint triathalon in October, and a half marathon to finish up the year in December. So I figured if I'm going into battle I need to identify my friends AKA my motivations and my enemies AKA my road blocks. First, my motivations. #1 and #2 are of the utmost importance to me. #3 and #4 are on the more shallow side but are definitely still motivations.
Motivation #1 My Health
I look at this as a battle for my health. This is no longer just a vain attempt to look good. I will be 35 in December and very soon I will have to face the harsh reality of genetics. Both diabetes,cancer, and heart disease run in my family big time. Being 30 lbs overweight and out of shape does not help my cause with any of these diseases.
Motivation #2 My Family
I want to show Kate and Carson that exercise and eating right is fun and a normal part of life. I especially want to give Kate a healthy role model when it comes to diet and exercise. She will get bombarded enough with society's expectations.
Motivation #3 My clothes
I have a closetful of pre pregnancy clothes that are begging me to wear them. I can hear them call out to me every time I enter my closet.
Motivation #4 A New Camera
I have a camera yes. I use it a lot. But I want a better one. A real fancy schmancy one. Jared has agreed with me that we will buy one at the end of the year if I complete my goals.
And Now my Enemies
Enemy # 1 Time
I have 2 kids and a husband AND a full time job. Where in the world am I going to find time to work out and train? I am sure that this will be an ever evolving flexible plan but for now my plan is to use my lunch break. My gym is right around the corner from work. I figure if I change at the office before I go I can jump on the treadmill and just GO! I am sure I will have to juggle this plan. I will just have to be very flexible.
Enemy #2 Peanut M&Ms
Don't laugh. This is real. My office stays stocked with Peanut M&Ms. There is a huge glass jar in the copy room. And the minute it is empty some wonderful/horrible person comes in and fills it to the brim. I am pretty sure that you can't lose weight or run a 10k eating handfuls of peanut m&ms everyday.Or Chick Fil A waffle fries or Blizzards from Dairy Queen. At least I can't.
Enemy #3 I have no natural meatbolism
No, this is not just an "I'm getting older I have slow metabolism" comment. I mean I have no natural metabolism. The thyroid gland controls metabolism and I have no thyroid. I had to get rid of it about 4 years ago with radiation due to an overactive thyroid. So everyday, I take a pill that synthetically gives me metabolism. It's hard to guage the right dosage so I constantly feel like my metabolism is slow.
Alright, enough with the enemies because I really want to do this. I want to do it for myself and my family. And the great thing is I have done this before. I did a sprint triathlon right before I got pregnant with Kate and I ran a half marathon a couple of years ago. So I feel good knowing that my body has already been down this road. I know I can do this because I've done it before. The other great thing is that I will not be alone. My friend Hope is joining me for the 10k and Sprint Tri (it's all women) and both Hope and my brother Burke are running the half marathon.
So there it is, my battle plan to reclaim my body, health, and fitness.I plan to do updates on the blog just for me, to keep me on track. Once I press "publish post" there is no turning back...........Ready Set Go!!!!!
What I Wore Last Week-ish
3 hours ago
Good luck, Betsy! That motivated me just reading it! I think you can totally do it! The time thing us what gets me everytime too but if you just start I think it gets easier! I'm saying that right now because I'm sitting on my couch watching tv!!!!!
Meredith ( not Ryan)
I believe in you!
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