Happy 8 months to the sweetest girl in the world! This girl of ours continues to amaze us everyday. I never underestimate her anymore because she always goes far beyond what I ever think she will do. I told Jared the other night that we hit the baby jackpot. This is a point in our lives as parents where we probably (ok definitely) brag on her too much to other people. But we just can't help ourselves. She is a dream come true for us. I thank God every night that He chose us to be her parents. She is a special little girl with a wonderful personality. I told Jared the other day that our love for her and for each other shows through every laugh and smile of hers. We are truly at a great time in our lives.
Kate's big 8 month news is that she got her first tooth. It popped through sometime around 7 months. And just yesterday as I was putting her in her car seat her mouth was wide open and there it was, the second one popping right on through. She is a very sociable and confident girl. Always trying to get the attention of other kids. She clicks her little tongue and claps her hands. And now when we say, "yeah!" and clap our hands with her she claps right along. I guess she realized that clapping wasn't much fun by yourself. She is a little girl through and through except for the fact that she likes to bang toy cars together. She loves the terrific sound that it makes. Instead of pulling your hair she gently flips it around. Just like how little girls play with each other's hair. She is very gentle. She loves to pat your face and if you're lucky enough she will take both hands and hold your face. It is very endearing and just melts my heart. She likes to hold an object in her hand and twist her wrist around so that she can look at it from different angles. Sometimes she will hold her hand in the air and wave like the Queen of England "hand hand wrist wrist." No crawling yet but she is definitely getting more confidence to lean forward to get on her knees.Her favorite words are "Da da da da da ....." all day long! She'll start off in a little whisper of Da da da and build into a crescendo of Da Da Da shouts. As you can imagine Jared LOVES this! She will also say "Na Na Na Na" and just this morning when I was changing her she said, "Ma Ma Ma." I will always remember this time in her life as total joy. I thank God for everyday that I lift her up from her crib and hug that warm chubby little body and she presses her little cheek to mine.So many precious moments packed into every single day. We are so blessed!
This outfit is very special. Her Daddy picked it out for her the day we found out she was going to be a girl.We were in separate parts of the store and when he brought it up to me I said, "It's perfect." We were both saying how long it would be before she could wear it. Well here we are!
Kate, expressing her opinion
This is my favorite look of hers right now. She will giveyou a sideways glance like she is really trying to figure you out. It always makes me laugh out loud!
This picture is very common for Kate right now. I must have taken 50 pictures and very few of them were of her looking at the camera. She told me she wanted a profile shot.:)
The next two pictures show her getting more confidence to lean forward and almost get on her knees. I can only imagine the next step would be crawling!
The best shot I could get of her first tooth. Two days later, the second one popped through!
The sideways glance at the Bear
Is Madewell Back?
9 hours ago
Hi you guys
Thanks so much for the new pics. I always look foward to them. This way I can keep up with how she is changing. Kate is really beautiful and yes, you have been blessed.
Love, Maw
going so fast! you guys are so blessed!
WOW, she is growing so fast! Jared did a great job on the outfit, she looks beautiful in it. Betsy, hope you are feeling well. I'm glad you got a kick out of my "teacher" story!
I can't get over how in some of Kate's pictures I see some of Brock's expressions, it must be the Gowens' in her (poor thing) :)
Hope the three of you are doing well and adjusting to Jared's new job. Maybe we'll get to see you all soon. . .
God Bless,
Okay - I love the outfit. I love the cocked head (always a classic!) So sweet. Happy 8 months Kate.
We love you and can't wait to see you again in Dec!
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