If you have ever spoken the words, "It's just a dog" then please do not read this post. It will be lost on you.
Today I lost my friend of 13 years, my beloved dog Macy. 13 years is a long time to know someone. She went through all of my good times and bad times in those 13 years. Through it all she never left my side, nor would she ever want to. You see Macy's main goal in life was to be with me. Her main passion was to be right by my side wherever I was. A constant companion. If I was in the shower, she was right outside the door. If I was in the bathroom she was right outside the door. If I was typing on the computer she was right there at my feet. My Mom loves to tell the story of when I was visiting them in Kansas and a tornado was coming through. I lingered up stairs to get something and Macy waited for me. She would not go down with out me. That was Macy. Always with me. That's exactly what she wanted.
I got Macy my junior year in college. My parents told me that I did not need a dog. They were probably right then, but it turns out I really did need a dog later. I went to pick her out at a local shelter. She had been dropped off with about 5 of her other brothers and sisters. I chose her because she was the only one that came right to me. She just walked right up to me like she had known me her whole life. I was in love.
When she was about 7 months old I almost lost her. She ran out of my apartment door and ran across a busy street safely. It's when she tried to run back after she saw me on the other side that she got hit by a car. The car ran right over her right hip. She was so hurt that when I went to touch her she bit me. We got her in the car and drove her to the vet who met us at his office. He didn't think she would make it through the night. She did. She needed an operation to put pins her hip to repair it. People told me it wasn't worth it. "Put her down" they said. But I knew better. I went to visit her in the vet's office and when they let her out of her kennel she limped over to me and plopped right in the center of my lap. I knew then that we needed more time together. I will always thank my parents for giving me 13 extra years with Macy. They paid for the operation with out saying a word.
Now, Macy was not perfect by any means. Her favorite crime was dumping over our trash. She ate more than her share of McDonald's, Chick Fil A, and Sonic if we left it too close to the edge of the counter. And don't tell Macy that chocolate is poisonous to dogs. The night before our wedding she ate a whole pound of chocolate with no consequences. She has eaten gum, gummi bears, chocolate chip cookies(she picked through the oatmeal raisin ones that were on the plate and ate only the chocolate chip ones) and anything else that we left out. One time I took her to a friends Birthday party. She ate half of the cake while we were in the other room. Oh and she loved bread! I can't tell you how many loaves of bread she has eaten in her lifetime. Too many to count!
I had been putting off this decision for so long. I knew she was hurting and having trouble breathing but I wanted her to still be here with me. Everyone always talks about the wonderful fun of having a dog but no one ever talks about the hard decisions that you have to make later in their life. If Macy could have it her way she would suffer through pain and whatever else so that she could still be by my side right now. I realized that it was my responsibility as the person who loved her most on this earth to make a very tough decision for her. It was so peaceful in the end. I cried into the soft fur on her neck and told her how much I love her and how she is and always will be the best dog I have ever known.
I miss her. I am heartbroken. I'm so used to her being here that it is strange to not turn around and find her sleeping behind me on the sofa. She was so much a part of my life and now she is gone. Are there dogs in heaven? I'd like to believe so. I'd like to think that she is up there running and playing like she used to. I'd like to think that she is up there just waiting to be right by my side again like she did here on earth.
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
4 hours ago
I am sooooo sad for you Betsy!!! I am so sorry you had to go through this terrible time.
Oh Bets...
We are on the road (oh the hotel life!) and was checking in to see how Kate is feeling and couldn't believe this post. I am so sorry. I got choked up reading it...knowing how much a dog becomes a part of life. But you showed a lot of sacrificial love to make this decision. So sorry for what you are feeling.
I love you!
So Sorry about Macy. You know we just lost Ryan's Buddy of 14 years so we can certainly relate. Just last night when Blair was here, he said, I miss Buddy. Buddy always greeted everyone that came with his funny little bark, sounded more like talking. Anyway, we understand. Love, Maw and Ryan
I'm so sorry to hear about Macy. Just this morning in church someone made me think of Macy and I was telling Keith about how she had gotten hit and sitting on the floor of the vets office to spend some time with her while she was recuperating! I can't believe she is gone. I know how animals weave their way into your hearts and its so sad when they are gone! I always remember Macy running around the apartments with that dog named rabbit! love you!
I do totally understand. . . it's hard for some people to understand that she wasn't just a dog, she was part of the family. I agree with you that our furry babies will be in heaven waiting for us.
If you've ever truly looked into their eyes, you can see the love, trust and undying devotion. That's why I believe that dogs are the closest thing to pure love on earth. and after all, isn't that what God is? Pure love. I know you'll miss Macy, just as we miss Heidi
Our hearts go out to you,
Tress & Mark
I totally understand!! When I was a junior in high school we had to "put down" our family dog of 17 years because her health was so bad. When she was younger she had even been run over by a car like Macy. I know it's sad. It was a hard day when we had to let go. I feel for you. Love you.
Hang in there Betsy. My family totally understands what you are going through right now. I've always thought that perhaps the reason a dog's life is shorter than their humans is because they live their lives so much more fully than we do.
They don't waste time on the silly things humans do. They love completely, play with abandon, and eat with gusto. I wish more of us could live happy lives like dogs and enjoy every moment.
Remember the good times and know she is always with you.
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