I know that this post will seem overly dramatic to some of you veteran Moms out there but I am scared so please bear with me as a first time Mom. Our girl is sick and has been since Wednesday morning. Apparently there is some nasty stomach flu going around that is short lived for adults (I know because Jared and I both had it) but very long lived for babies. We are going on our 6th day dealing with this horrible virus. I will try to spare you some of the details but let's just say for the past five days Kate has woken up covered in sickness. I have been to the Dr. twice and they both assured me that she is not dehydrated so that put my mind somewhat at ease. For some reason this virus or whatever it is will not leave my girl alone. Could you please pray that it will leave just as quickly as it came? I would also appreciate any stories where your child was this sick and recovered.That would encourage me. It is hard for me to picture her fully well again. I know.That sounds dramatic, but that's the way I feel. Today I looked at blog video just so I could see what she looked like happy, playful,and smiling. She is just not herself. So would you please pray for our girl? I don't think I have seen this on any other blog so I am only assuming that other Moms take these illnesses in stride. But I wanted to post just in case if you read this that you would offer up a prayer for Kate. Thank you!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
Hi Kids
You got it, on the prayers!! It is so scary when a baby is sick because number one, they can't tell you exactly what is going on. It has been so many many years since I had babies but I'm sure we went thru it all. Best I remember, if it is a stomach bug is to withhold milk and most foods.Gatorade is good and popcycles to suck on. Also you can mix up Jello and pour the liquid in her bottle to take. It has lots of things her body can use. They gave this to Ryan when he was in the hospital after surgery and could not take food yet.Now, this seems so overwhelming to you because YOU are tired and recovering also (and "with child"). Things always seem the darkest before the dawn. Kate will get well! You have had her checked out by the doctor so have some faith in that. Some virus can hang on for a week so hopefully by today, Kate will start feeling better. Babies bounce back. Try not to be scared and get some rest when Kate is asleep even if you have to let everything else go undone. I love you kids and wish there was something I could do to help out,and I will keep you in my prayers all day today! Love, Maw
Praying for her right now. so sorry to hear she is feeling bad. It is hard to see your child so out of sorts... We are always on high alert when one of ours is sick - even when they finally are resting - you can't because you want to make sure they are alright. I am not sure where she is at with eating solids but here is a good refernece for the future if not for now - when fighting diarrhea and stomach stuff, they recommend the BRAT diet (B - bananas, R - rice bland), A - apples/applesauce, T - toast (dry)...and then also plain, boiled chicken because it is bland and gentle on the tummy). I know she won't be ready for much of that but maybe some really mushed up bananas or dry toast pieces)
Know we love you and pray she gets well quickly.
Bets....If there is anything Jay and I can do to help, please let us know....I remember when Toby was really sick and Jay was so knowledgeable and calming to help.Hold her a lot....Just tell her you love her...Her body is strong and will bounce back. Kiss her forehead...Sometimes it scarier for momma and daddy than baby...Please let us know....We love ya'll...We both love that little precious girl...Blair and Jay
Hi my sweeties,
It is never any fun when your baby is sick. OK, here's my story about Meredith when I was a first time mom. She was about 8 weeks old and had a terrible, terrible ear infection and a stomach bug. She couldn't keep anything down, no breast milk, no cereal, NADA. Her temp was high and, like you I was scared to death.(Same doctor advice you got- she'll be fine- not dehydrated). After 48 hours of her not sleeping at all and screaming at the top of her lungs, then gasping to throw up. All this time, I also had the same bug, and then a breast infection that caused me some sever temperature and pain, myself. When Mark got home, he worked and worked with her. Walking her up and down the hall of our very small apt. rocking back and forth. Nothing worked, she wanted Mommie to fix it NOW! I remember just breaking down at around 2:00 a.m. dissolving into a puddle of tears. Mark finally said, "OK, I know your Mom isn't here to ask, but Eletia lives a very short distance away. Let's call her." I must have been close to dilerious because I allowed him to do it. AND within 10 minutes, she was there. An angel on my doorstep! She rocked Meredith and cooed and did all those things our Mom had taught her to do during baby sickness. And you know what, she had her asleep within maybe 5 minutes and cuddled into her crib.
All that said, because Meredith was a very healthy child. No truly bad health scares, just the routine kid diseases. Just remember, we've all been there at one time or another. And just wait, you'll feel like a pro with CJ!
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