Tonight while I was giving Kate her bath I dropped her little duckies in one by one and counted them for her. I kept repeating 1, 2, 3 as I dropped each one in the water. After a couple of rounds of this I dropped the first one and waited to hear what she would say. And then she said it, "Two." I thought I must have heard it wrong so I did it again and she said "Two" after I said "one" again. I scooped her out of the bath and wrapped in her towel and ran her downstairs where my Mom and Jared were talking. I told them I didn't know if she would do it again but I told them to listen. I started "One..." and then she chimed in "Two." and I ended with three. We were all ecstatic. Jared and I were high fiving each other. Truly a wonderful moment. Look out world! This girl is going places!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
I must say you are a smart woman to provide video proof with your claims of pride over your daughter's accomplishments!! She must get her smarts from you - ha,ha!
Way to go Kate!!! We love you. You are following in big cousins footsteps because Reece especially never wanted to begin counting at 1 - he always started at 2...
Merry Christmas. We are cold and having lots of fun! We'll call soon. We are on to Banff today!!!
Way to go Miss Kate E. You are so smart. Nana is so proud of you and will get on the GS blog to tell everyone to watch you perform.
Alright Miss Kate!!! The number one must be a hard number for kids, for the longest time Brock started with two as well. Bath time is a great calming time that babies seem to pick up on so much, keep it up Mommy and Daddy! Before long she'll be counting to twelve and you'll still be amazed!
We hope the three of you have a Merry Christmas, this will be Kate's first and next year she'll be joined by Mr. Carson!
Sending our love and prayers.
God Bless, Shavonne
That's my girl...Kate is so smart, and just the cutest little thing...Go Kate Go...Love Uncle Blair and Jay
Smart girl! So many fun moments like that ahead - this age is so great!
All right Miss Kate!
So very smart! Now the next part to begin learning is "One-Two- Buckle my shoe" YEAH!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas,
Auntie Tress
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