Our Anniversary is February 15th. We will have been married for 5 years. However, January 9th marked a very special day in our relationship. It is the anniversary of our first date. We went to Starbucks. I'm sure Jared thought I was a coffee lover but when we got there I ordered steamed milk. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be "trapped" in case things were not going so well. Well it turned out I was wrong. We actually found many things to talk about it. And 6 years later here we are. Our love for each other has deepened and we are about to welcome our daughter into our world. God has given me the opportunity to love this man and to be loved by him. I feel so blessed everyday that God put Jared in my life at just the right time. He is my best friend and an amazing husband. I love you baby!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
4 hours ago
Someone really cool had to take that picture!
Congrats on having a great life! Not many people reach a level of satisfaction, true contentment. You are blessed and I'm glad you realize it!
Wuv you!
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