Very few stories have captivated me like the one that I posted on my blog a couple of days ago. Tricia's story is one of hope and courage. Her husband's faith through out their journey has been remarkable to say the least. Just to update in case you haven't checked their blog lately. Tricia has cystic fibrosis and is 24 weeks pregnant with their first baby. In fact, she was about to be put on the list for a lung transplant when they found out she was pregnant. On Monday she was put on a ventilator to give her the best chance at living and to buy her baby girl precious time to grow more. When she was ventilated on Monday the Drs decided it would be better to deliver the baby right then to give them both the best chance. Their baby girl was born weighing 1lb 6oz (think from your wrist to your elbow). They are both hanging on and are presently as stable as they can be. Tricia does not know that she is a mother as she is under heavy sedation. I think what has captivated me most is the extreme example of faith that her husband Nate has shown. Where is the bitterness? Where is the "Why me?" Nowhere to be found. He wrote on his blog last night that he prayed to God and said that he would accept whatever God chooses for his girls but he asked that God would consider the desire of his heart. What an open and vulnerable prayer. Is that a prayer of faith I could pray right now? I don't know, but I hope to answer that with a strong yes someday! I know that I have grown spiritually just by being on the outside looking in on their journey. As I feel Kate twisting and squirming inside of me at almost 5lbs I know what a blessing and miracle she is. Every baby is. God holds all of these babies in his arms. From every baby struggling in all of the NICUs across the country to the biggest 10 and 11 pounders God has such a special story to tell through them. I am in awe. Please continue to pray for this family as these are the critical days for them. Their names are Tricia, Nate and their precious girl Gwyneth Rose.
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
4 hours ago
I am so glad that you shared his blog. I've been checking it everyday. Their faith is such an example to me too! I only hope I could say the kind of prayer that he prayed!
Thanks for the update! Very well said. What an awesome example of faith from a desperate husband! Oh how I pray that he gets many more happy years with his girls!
That is certainly a prayer that's a whole different thing when you're actually facing the very real possibility of a different answer than you want. What amazing strength they have allowed God to give them! Thanks for sharing their story with us!
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