Last night, I thought we were going to be welcoming our little boy into the world. I started having some contractions around midnight. They were sporadic until about 2 am. Then they got more organized. I decided I better start timing. At first they were about 11-15 minutes apart. They finally got to where they were about 7 minutes apart. I was excited, but cautious. #1 I had heard that false labor was common in second pregnancies #2 These contractions were not quite as intense as when I was in labor with Kate. I could still breathe normally through them except for about 2 or 3 that really got my attention. #3 The roads were icy, so I wanted to make positively sure this was the real thing before we ventured out in that mess. Around 5 am after I had had one really good contraction I told Jared I was going to get up and move around to see if this was the real thing. I had read somewhere that walking around will make false labor dissipate, but real labor will continue. I went downstairs to wash Kate's bottles and had some weaker contractions while I was up. I decided to go back to bed and had about 3 more contractions while I was laying down. Around 6:15 they stopped and I drifted off to sleep. All that to say, our little boy is still tucked snugly inside of me although it gives me great hope that we will be meeting him very soon.:)
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
14 hours ago
Hey, this is good sign, right?? Maybe you did start to dilate some?? Anyway, just waiting to hear..Love you guys, Maw
You should have gone on in. They treat you really nice with false labor. Ha Ha.
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