Now I ask you. What could be more fun on a Wednesday night than having your Daddy push you around in a used Huggies box? I mean really, does it get any better than this?
And they're off!
Now that's what I call pure glee!
I call this face her, "What you talkin' bout Willis?" face
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
14 hours ago
I love her little shirt!
The true giftedness of Father's! Nothin' like it!
It is late late, but wanted to post and tell you that Burke got in late tonight. We will start our trip tomorrow afternoon and will try to make contact with you before we leave. Please continue to update us through our vonage phone number as we can check messages from away....and we will be around internet so will keep checking email and blog stuff. I remembered today that we were out of town when Kate was born too! Also, can you send us Jared's cell phone number as obviously you will have a few other things going on when the big day comes!
Love you - you know that. But I want you to remember how proud I am of you for this great time of your life - and that I am praying for quick and safe labor, for great APGAR scores, for easy latching on,speedy recovery for you and at least some rest through the excitement of it all, for quick bonding as a family of 4 and smooth transition to have this little star as a part of your fam. Heck I will even pray for good hospital food!!
I love ya Bets and so so so so so wish I was right there to keep Kate and to be able to meet Carson in his early moments of life and all that good stuff.
Goodnite, come little one come,
Cute pics. We can't wait for Carson!
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