I am in total shock that I am still pregnant. I went to my appointment this morning and I have made zero progress. My Dr. basically told me it was my call about being induced. I have mixed feelings about being induced. I think my Dr. sensed that because he scheduled my induction for Friday morning. I am praying that I will go on my own before then. That definitely gives me enough time. If I don't have him by Friday morning I will go happily into being induced. I really believe this is an answered prayer because I kept praying that I was making the right decision and now I have peace about it.
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
14 hours ago
Sorry Betsy, BUT to coin your phrase, the baby will come when he gets ready....... I love you and not trying to be mean...I know each day must seem like week. Things will work out great, you'll see. My first, Mike, was born 2 weeks after the due date..ummm
Love, maw
Oh Besty, I know that your mind must be going back and forth with "what if's" Just listen to your heart and continue to pray, that's all you can do at this point in the game. I know that nothing can cheer you up but just think. . .when it's all over you'll have a handsome son for all this trouble!!!
We love you so much!
Sending love and prayers,
*~*After the comment from Maw about Mike, do you think Mr. Carson is already taking after his Pop?!?
I am so excited for you! I am glad you have a date. There must be something really nice about that. You don't have to worry about having your baby on the highway! :)
Asking God for your overall safety and delivery of little Carson...BUT that maybe He might help labor start start this afternoon so by tomorrow Carson is ready to enter the world and I can share my birthday with the special little guy! (not selfish at all, eh? really, I am thinking of you, really).
Love you.
Ok, I have missed a lot. Sorry. Anyway, I love the background and Carson's room. Your projects are so cute and creative. Looks like you have been busy. We will also look forward to Friday and be praying for a safe coming for Carson. Inducing really is a blessing for those of us who are ready for that baby. God is in control of that too! Love you.
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