Here are some random thoughts that have been running through my pregnant brain.I hope I don't scare you with the randomness of it all. Here goes.......
1. Nintendo DS is my new favorite toy. I received one for my birthday from Jared. He didn't know it but he stumbled on the perfect gift for me. I'm not saying Kate is not an intelligent girl, but sometimes I just need some more intellectual stimulation. I am not a video game lover so I was leery of this gift. But it has all of these amazing word games, puzzles, and ways to keep your brain sharp. I love it and play it everyday.
See the house in the above picture? This house has become a huge thorn in my side. Never in my life of living in neighborhoods that are still building houses have I come across a house that has taken so long to build. This would not be a problem except that the house is being built directly across from Kate's bedroom window! I always assumed that the work crews could put up an exterior of a house in a couple of days. This one has stretched to a couple of weeks. What with all of the nailing, pounding, dump trucks, buzz saws, and their wonderful way of starting at 7:30 am our sleep has been interrupted. And they always seem to be the loudest around her nap time. It is to the point where I will look outside and see what they are doing and if they aren't there I will pop Kate into her crib for a nap.I really wish they would finish. Kate really needs her naps. Or can I be more truthful? I really need Kate to take her naps.
3. Last night a good friend of mine had a health scare. But it actually turned out to be a hilarious story. There aren't many times in your life when you rush up to the hospital to be with a friend in a time of need and then meet her in the hallway on the way up to see her. And then proceed to laugh hysterically at the cause for her scare. No details, but it's a doozy I assure you.
4. I now have an idea of what people who have gastric bypass or lap band surgery go through. Carson is acting as his own little stomach reducer as he pushes my stomach upward. It reduces the size of my stomach considerably. If I eat more than a little bit I definitely know it. Come to think of it he might be doing me a favor. If I am smart I will take a lesson from this as a way to eat after I have him to drop those baby pounds.
5. If you watched American Idol last night you probably saw the guy who works as a rough neck on an oil rig. When he walked in the audition room they asked him to tell them something about himself. He told them that he had the 5th most dangerous job in the world. Considering that my husband is also a rough neck I decided to investigate. According to a Forbes article, "Dying to Work: America's Most Dangerous Jobs" (nice title huh?)he is right. But putting it into perspective there were 69 deaths in the drilling industry last year. Most dangerous job? Timber cutter. Below is a picture of my favorite roughneck with our favorite girl at his rig.
6. Is it me or do Kate's shoes look like a pink version of old men's leisure shoes? You be the judge.
7. Here's the topper (and the source of the post title). Last week we were out and about and decided to get some ice cream. The girl (college age) who was helping us noticed my huge belly and how young Kate was. The inevitable question came, "How far apart will they be?" I said, "A little less than a year." With that she exclaimed, "Oh wow! Just like Britney Spears!!" I wanted to tell her, "No sweetheart. Actually our kids will be closer in age."
And with that, I'm off to play my Nintendo DS...............Good grief! They are hammering on that house again! What could possibly be left to hammer!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
14 hours ago
Wow Betsy you seem to be marking time until Carson gets here....I laughed at all your entries, how cute. Have you thought about putting Kate down to nap on the other side of the house, or is that possible?? I'm sure you would love to walk across and give them the what-for. Ha. The pic of Kate and Jared is so cute. I have a feeling she will become more and more a "daddy's girl" when Carson gets here. Love you guys and miss you. Maw
Golly, this made me laugh hard!!!
I love getting on and reading your blogs, I never know what's in store for the day. I know as the days go on you are getting more anxious for Carson, I get on your blog nearly everyday because I'm afraid we'll miss something.
Hope you are well.
Sending love and prayers,
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