Yesterday, we took both of the kids for their well exams. Carson's 2 week check up and Kate's 1 year check up. If anyone is crazy enough to have two kids close together like we did let me just give you some advice, don't do both of these visits together.
First the good and happy news. Kate weighs an even 20 lbs which puts her right smack dab in the 50th percentile on weight. The Dr. asked us if one of us was on the skinny side growing up and of course Jared was. The Dr. said it looked like Kate would take after him. Our little petite girl! Carson's weight went from 7lbs 8 oz 10 days ago to 8 lbs 5oz. To tell you the truth for as much as he wants to eat I thought it would be more like 10 lbs but I am so happy knowing that he is gaining weight. We got off on the wrong foot with Kate as far as breastfeeding went but I am having a totally different experience so far with Carson.I am really praising God for that as that was something I had specifically prayed about ever since I found out I was pregnant the 2nd time around.
Ok so this is the appointment where they will give Kate some shots (traumatic but she's had them before. I figure 5 minutes of crying since she is more aware of them and then we'll be done and out of there.)However, there is one more piece to this...the finger stick! The nurse comes in to do the finger stick and Kate moderately cries and the nurse is trying to squeeze as much blood as possible from her tiny little finger. Then Kate really cranks it up. Louder, longer, and more depsperate than I have ever heard her. Jared is holding her and losing his patience with the nurse and I am near tears because Kate is looking back and forth to both of us like, "Why aren't you stopping this?" By this time Carson knows it is time to eat and he gets going really loud! Two crying babies at the maximum volume. Fun times. And what's better than 1 finger stick? TWO finger sticks!!!! The nurse says she didn't get enough so they will have to do it again. Another nurse comes in and sticks the other finger. By this time Kate is hysterical and Carson is screaming bloody murder.And Kate still hasn't had her shots! I go outside to feed Carson in the car feeling like I just abandoned Kate but we agreed that they were both upsetting each other. Finally, both Kate and Jared come out and she is still crying and Jared is mumbling something about the nurse's incompetence. So you could say it was traumatic all around for all 4 of us. Lesson learned for today: No more double Dr. appointments.
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
Awwww. Now I understand why you might not be interested in answering your cell phone today :) The amazing thing is that even when that look is like "why are you letting her near me" - and you feel guilty for not being heroic- like and whopping the nurse for causing pain... kids recover and forgive pretty quickly. Good to hear the family is growing and healthy. We love you!
Good grief, I remember wanting to pop a nurse or two in my time! LOL!
It's interesting that today while you were going through this with your babies, I was privy to the other side at a hospital. A sweet little girl about Kate's age and a tiny little boy close to CJ's age. Same scenario- except only Mommy trying to work through this visit alone.
Mom was at the end of her rope, the first nurse couldn't get enough blood from the finger stick; and second, more-seasoned nurse had to go in to try.
I was in the break room waiting to inservice the team, when that first nurse came in with HUGE TEARS in her eyes. I asked her if she was OK, and she said, "You know, we have to do this for that little babies health; but I hate to be the monster who has to do it! I think about my own babies and hope I'm not scarring them for life. It hurts me to hurt those babies." By this time, the second nurse came back- test completed and just hugged the younger nurse and said, "It never gets easy!"
That tells me that they do care and that there are many times tears behind the scenes from the nursing staff too.
Auntie Tress
I feel your pain! So glad Jared was with you. I've taken all of them by myself!
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