So the other day Jared went to play golf with a friend. Might I add it was the longest golf game ever! He was gone for the amount of hours he would be working. This gave me a good glimpse of what life will be like taking care of our two kids by myself. Let me say that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Let me also say that it wasn't pretty either. Let's just say it was very REAL.Here's a little peek at our day.
Thankfully Carson was still sleeping when Kate called, "Daddddddddyyyyyy!!!" from her crib. I got up and fixed her a bottle and was able to spend some moments with Kate alone. I really treasure these moments since they are few and far between these days. I set her up with a waffle on the floor and went to get Carson. I sat on the floor and fed him, while I also pumped (aren't I the ambidextrous one?)and tried to interact with Kate while she played. I was thinking, "Yeah! I am Supermom! Hear me roar!" Here's where it got pretty real. A lot of people ask me how Kate is adjusting to Carson. The answer to that is pretty well. For the most part she goes about her business like he isn't even there. But when she notices him she has some mixed feelings. We have taught her to pat him, but for the most part her pats are too hard and end up more like slaps or swipes.Don't let the sweet folded hands in this picture fool you. I had just foiled her attempt to "pat pat (aka slap slap)" Carson on the forehead.
I can tell she THINKS she is being gentle but of course in my perspective she is not at all. She has also tried to use his little body as a means to push up to a standing position. Not cool. She also likes to take out his pacifier. Which would have been ok if she hadn't tried to deposit it back into his EYE! The whole day I went back and forth between both of them. Put Kate down for a nap, feed Carson. Feed Kate, put Carson in the swing. Change Carson, Change Kate. Sneak in some lunch (one handed). In fact I am seeing that I am going to have to learn to do a lot of things one handed. So my plan for next week (and the following weeks) is that I have no plan. I'm going to be praying a lot. But other than that, I am going to take it minute by minute.
Things to remember for next week:
1. I will try not to physically stop Jared from going to work on Monday morning. Any stories he tells you to the contrary are pure fabrication
2. I will remember that Kate is still a BABY. Although I will wish with every fiber of my being that she can "go get Mommy a diaper for Carson" (I requested this on Thursday. Hey! She is very smart I thought I would give it a shot!)she will still just stare at me like I'm crazy.
3. Kate needs to be held to!
4. Even though it will be crazy I will cherish the sweet moments. For example, I taught Kate how to say, "juice" and she stood for about 30 seconds by herself that day.
5. They will cry at the same time. This is one of the tracks on the soundtrack to my life right now. It's not the sweetest sound but it's going to happen. It did happen. Many times that day. I only got a little frustrated when Kate started to imitate the newborn cries of Carson.I told her to please stick with her cry, it's much less desperate sounding. Once again, she looked at me like I was crazy.
6. I will remember that these are sweet times with my kids. This is a gift that is being given to me right now and I should not take it for granted. I have that song by Darius Rucker continuously going through my head, "It won't be like this for long, pretty soon this little boy and girl are gonna be all grown up and gone,this time is going to fly by so just hold on, it won't be like this for long."
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
You go girl! You are doing awesome. It made me smile to see your post this morning as I awoke today remembering that in just a few days Jared heads back to work. And here you are...already prepped for it! I like your humor still shining through the juggling of 2 precious babes. Just know I am in your balcony cheering you on and believing you are and will do great!
The pic with her hands folded is priceless - she has a look on her face that all too resembles my little boys! Love it.
I love you Bets.
So proud of you! Just look what you're accomplishing each and every day. These 2 sweet babies couldn't ask for a better, more loving mother. So Congratulations Mom!
Auntie Tress
I love your sense of humor! I will be praying for you Monday! thanks for calling to check on us! love you
What great perspective, Betsy. You seem to be handling it beautifully :) It took me a good 12 weeks when Sage was born to feel like I had a handle on things. It's hard when the daddies have to go to work :( (It's usually tax season for us!) I would love to help you out if you ever need it!
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