I am thankful for the following things:
1. The fact that Kate's hair is pretty unruly nowadays. It makes me laugh. It's a little Ace ventura with Flock of Sea Gulls mixed in.
2. The baby swing that my in laws handed down to us. Saved my life yesterday.
3. The fact that Kate likes cheerios and she eats them SLOWLY one by one. Great distraction when a certain hungry boy AKA "bottomless pit" wants to eat AGAIN!
4. The fact that Kate still takes a good solid morning nap. Oh man! I bet I just jinxed myself!
5. The fact that both of my kids slept at the SAME TIME this morning. What luxury! I got to take a shower AND put on make up AND dry my hair!Probably will never happen again. Something akin to the spotting of Haley's Comet I'm sure.
6. Jared's new job and the fact that today I got to stay home to experience all of this craziness. It's probably inevitable that I will go back to work someday but for now I am at home.What a gift wrapped up in a very weird and wonderful package.
Side note:Update to the question, How is Kate taking to Carson? Well to tell you the truth she is not. I'm sure we will all laugh at this someday but for now, slapping your bro on the forehead and shouting "NO!" everytime you come across him just ain't funny!Ok well it's sort of funny (the NO! part not the slapping part.) Paging jealousy, table for one! Hey Care, remember when I asked you how you keep from laughing at your boys even though what they're doing isn't right? I'm heading into that territory. Ah, good times.
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
Hey! You crack me up! I love your humor and the love that shines through the chaos. Tell "bottomless pit" that we love him and not to worry too much about big sis's shenanagin's - pay back will be here before she even realizes it!
Love all 4 of you - was praying for all the adjustments - and esp. that Jared gets to be surrounded by good people to work with.
Talk soon? ! ? !
Love, Care
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