Today Jared and I have been married for SIX years. There are so many snapshots that I have taken over the years. Some of them made it to be actual photos but most of them are in my head. Like the first time we kissed. The night he asked me to marry him. Our first dance at our wedding. The morning I told him that we were expecting Kate. Jared's face when Kate was born. The look on his face when he is with Kate. The day we found out about Carson.
This year it has been emphasized to me how love is so much more than romantic attraction. I have seen love in a different light once again.Here are some scenes from our marriage this year that taught me so much about love.
A not very glamorous snapshot of love is both of us in bed with the stomach flu. Trying to take care of each other while we both feel so bad.
Waiting at the door for him to come from being laid off and just holding each other and telling each other, "No matter what, we have each other."
Realizing that the death of a parent calls for a special kind of love.Not wanting to see him grieve but knowing that it is necessary.
The love that comes from watching each other fall in love with our children.
I just want to say to my wonderful husband.Thank you so much for loving me and for letting me love you. You've taught me so much about love. I love the real life that we live together. We're not perfect but we are perfect for each other. I said it in our vows the day we got married and it still holds true for me today. Everything that I had to go through was worth it so that I could find you. You are and will always be the love of my life.
Scenes from Our Marriage.........
The night we got engaged
Our Engagement picture
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
happy anniversary! I can't believe it ha been 6 years! I miss the lone star state! and you of course! Congratulations on six years of wedded bliss, thats quit an accomplishment. Give my best to the happy hubby also!
can you tell I'm lacking sleep also. I should have proof read that first! sorry
Hey I was thinking of you guys this morning. Hope you have a special anniversary day. Cool post. Congrats!
Happy Anniversary to both of you! Got the best brother and sister-in-love (law) in the world. Remember Dad you used to say "in-love". Love ya'll, Blair and Jay
Isn't it so incredible to look back on the plans God had for the both of you the whole time. What a wonderful plan He had and has for you.Congratulations!
So precious! Happy anniversary!
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