Okay just to clarify we do not know anyone by the name of Dee Dee. However, this is Kate's name for everyone including me and her ever popular Daddy. When we leave the room she will say "Bye bye Dee Dee!" When we go in to pick her up from her nap she says, "Hi Dee Dee!" I took the kids to Target yesterday (yes, both of them, I am this short of crazy) and she waved and said "Hi Dee Dee!" to almost every single person we came across. Everyone loved it and everyone smiled at her. Well everyone except for that sullen teenager. She looked hurt so I had to explain to her that teenagers are lost in their own world. He thought he was too cool to smile at her but little did he know that she was way cooler than him.
I am catching a glimpse of Kate's teenage years as her favorite thing to do lately is shut herself in her room.When we are upstairs she will crawl in her room and slam the door shut. I had to laugh yesterday as I inched the door open and asked her, "Can I come in?"
One totally random music note. I thought about this while we were listening to the Best of Stevie Wonder in the car today and looked back and saw Kate bee boppin to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered".As long as I can control it, my kids will be raised on Beatles, Motown, and the Beach Boys and of course praise music :). None of this Hannah Montana crap. Sorry Hannah or is it Montana? My #1 musical pet peeve is when some new artist (loose term) remakes an old classic hit and butchers it and someone who is not familar with the original says, "oh I just love that new song by so and so." I just have to tell them, "That is not so and so's original they redid that song because they don't have a creative or orginal bone in their body." Bottom line, stick to the classics. Ok I'm off my soap box.
Here are some more scenes from our day.This post is being brought to you by the stars once again aligning and Kate and Carson taking simultaneous naps.
Kate in her "big girl" car seat. She loves this seat and thinks she is Queen of the Road. She just looks so grown up and proud of herself. Plus it's a bonus for me because I can see her and tickle her feet as we go down the road.:)
This is how I keep Kate in check during the day. Ok hang up the phone. Don't call CPS on me! She did this herself. Somehow she slid underneath the bars on the chair. And she was perfectly content to sit there. Silly girl.
This little boy is so sweet. He's Mommy's little man. :)
Love this cute little skirt my friend Hope gave her. She looks even cuter when she's pushing her stroller and walking in it. This skirt swings!
I love this view!
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
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