The day that Jared got laid off at the oil rig my heart sank for several reasons. Not the least of which was in the back of my mind I knew that that the possibility of me working again was very strong. Well the time has come. It's time for me to get back out there. I knew it was inevitable and I am trying to face it with positivity.Yesterday I accepted a position at Citifinancial. I will start March 23rd.I know that God is blessing our family with this job and I have no doubt he will take care of our kids with extra special care during this time of transition. I am excited to get back out there. But I am sad to leave my kids. Always a double edged sword. But I won't sink into the pit of despair like I did last time. That was not good for anyone. I am at a better place Mom wise now and I know of who I am more as a Mom. I really believe that God gave me this time at home so that I could grow that aspect of my life under His loving care. And grow I did. I know how blessed I am and He has set me up so that I take nothing for granted. Not one single experience. I drink it all in. That's what this is going to be about. Quality time with my boy and girl.We are so incredibly blessed.This time I won't waste my time thinking of everything I am missing. This time I will spend my time thinking about everything we will do when we are together.Will you please pray for me that I can keep a good mind set about this transition in all of our lives? Will you please pray that I can be the best Mommy I can be and not get overwhelmed and crushed by the guilt that comes with this transition? Oh the guilt can be so consuming and self defeating.It is one of Satan's key weapons with me. But this time I will not let the guilt guide me and tell me what a terrible Mom I am. I will let God guide my steps and tell me who I am.
The Sezane Gaspard Cardigan
5 days ago
I will have you in my prayers! You are a great mom just by how much you love your cute kids. What a great attitude you have to start out this transition. I pray it's easier than you expect! :)
WOW! I will pray for you also! I commented today on the fact that when Emma was in daycare she was given better nutrition, as I'm driving through the Dunkin donuts Drive through! 2 donuts please! love you
Congratulations on the new job. I did not know you were looking yet. I am so thankful for your mindset and I know God will bless it. You are a wonderful mom.
Betsy. Hey. Wishing we lived close so I could lend a hand in helping care for your sweet little ones. Praying for a smooth transition as you enter a new work environment. Have you lined up the same caregiver to watch them both at your house? Hope the kids are feeling better. Love you!
I'm so happy to hear in your writing that you've become much more confident in being a mother and the decisions that you make with God's help.
Motherhood is all about transitions
from babies to adults- the relationship you've developed with your children today will change and grow. This is God's plan. As you too grow and change in God's love.
OK, now I'm off the Sermon on the Motherhood Mountain, LOL! Just know that these little babies love you and that doesn't change, no matter how many people come into their lives. Before you know it you'll be saying to your adult son and daughter-"Just text me and let me know that you arrived safely, OK?" Transitions, transitions, transitions.
I'm praying for you and all that you've requested. Your babies KNOW you love them! When children KNOW that, you can do anything as a family! I pray God's best blessings on you!
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