I absolutely love being home with my kids and seeing the everyday stuff that I had missed for so long. But for some reason I thought that I would have all of this time to keep our house in tip top shape and get dinner on the table by the time Jared came home from work. So far the house is a wreck and 0 meals have been on the table. Can anyone help me? How do you keep your house clean? And does anyone have any good recipes? I could also use some suggestions for stuff to do with the kids that is cheap or free.Also any products that you have tried baby or house cleaning wise that you could not do with out? I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants here. Or maybe this is the way it always is in stay at home Mommy world. If that's true please feel free to leave a comment about that.:)
Baked Chicken and Potatoes
5 hours ago
It is tough...pace yourself, with time you will get it all figured out! This is the reason that being a stay at home mommy is a FULL TIME job :) Anyone who tells you differently is either lying or not a parent!!! LOL
Just remember to be happy with the fact that you are at home with them. I got today with my boys and I loved EVERY minute of it but I can't stop thinking about the work that I should be getting done before tomorrow morning, all of this while I'm tending to the boys, cleaning up the house, and doing laundry...a mother's work is NEVER done! Love you four bunches, I will pray for you!
love and prayers,
Hey there! I smiled as I read your post because 6 years later of being a stay-at-home Mommy, the chaos continues :) Part of the job description I guess. But maybe your post will help me reflect some as I share a few helpful hints from my personal experiences....
1) be realistic - the responsibilities are not the kind that ever have a "final project" date - as soon as you wash and put away one load of laundry, there is another set of dirty clothes (X 4 or more) by the end of the day waiting for you...you will always have hungry mouths and more dishes after every snack/meal - so realize it is a process and not a project you will ever finish
2) realize and tell yourself often that you likely won't recognize the benefits you are offering your family if you look short sighted and in the here and now - you have to think "big picture" and realize that the difference is being made - no doubt! - you just might not have tangible evidence today!
3) it helps me (and I have often struggled with making this a habit - but I am working on it now again and feel the benefits) to have a game plan for meals...since we eat one main meal together daily as a family I planned a menu over the weekend to know what I would prepare each day - I shopped accordingly so i knew I would have it all on hand for the week - and that way I know when I wake up what I am going to make...no having to waste brain energy trying to be creative or think last minute - and it allows me to know how much time in advance I need to prepare that meal when the boys are at school, Pierce is napping, etc. Like I said - I NEED to make this a habit because it works so well - just takes discipline.
4) I also think it is helpful (and again, this is a work in progress as far as it being habitual for me) - but to kind of make a very rough game plan, or routine for the day...instead of just letting the day go by - be intentional with what you are going to play/read/do with the kids - worked around a very loose routine of snack time, nap time, meal time, etc.. - if you plot your day into sort of segments it feels more under control and maybe a little more purposeful. I think it helps you as the Mom get the most of your time with the kids - and helps the kids' know what to expect more or less (I know your guys are a bit smaller but still...)
5) as far as your house responsibilities - like cleaning, etc.. - I have heard it say that choosing one room or area of the house for each day to clean helps you run a rotation - I don't really do that but it might help you. I used to try to choose one day to get all laundry done but when I got outnumbered with little ones I realized that laundry is an ongoing and everyday task - so I always am sorting, washing, drying, folding throughout my days.
6) this is really tough and I have to do better at it....but take some time for yourself - when both kids are napping or in bed - be sure to take some time for yourself so that that time isn't always used for responsibilities like cleaning or cooking - makes for a happier and healthier Mom!
7) have fun - enjoy the stages of your kids and try to have an optimistic and appreciative attitude (I think you are soaring high with that right now!!!)
I could probably reflect on more but for now I am being beckoned to play so I am going to follow my own advice, dive in and do that! Thanks for the push to think thru some of this, it has been good for me.
Love ya - hope this helps some. Share back some ideas with me because I need a kick start too :)
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